Thursday, February 26, 2009


Drake Brookfield said...

my stomach seriously just growled and I am going out to buy some shrimp right now

Dsmfpos22 said...

im really liking the use of shapes here, as well as in previous ones. The water impression in the shape of the shrimp is epic.

This one and the color one you did awhile ago with the bowl of fruit could make a grocery store a lot of money.

Chris Sigmon said...

This is awesome man.... except I'm so allergic to shrimp that I think I feel my throat swelling shut.

thetraditionalplastic said...

ha, norce... its like nice, only better

Anonymous said...

indeed, norce

Jeremy said...

he said indeed sam....

how does that make you feel?

its a long story isaac.... actually short to tell, long to take place...