Thursday, February 12, 2009


Joshua Keurentjes said...

You got me. this isn't a double exposure but the hand and the ball look like they are, is it a longer exposure with a double flash?

I love it the harshness of the photo the background and your subject. Nice.

Pradeepa said...

McGrubber! He's playing with tennis balls and he's got 7 fingers. McGrubber! He's a magical maji from a land of fruititarians.

Jeremy said...

"Macgruber! This building will cave in on itself in 20 seconds!"

"Ok! Hand me those miniature dodge balls!"

"But Macgruber! Only 17 seconds! Why dodge balls!?"

"Just hand me the balls! When I was a kid in gym class I had impeccable aim with a dodge ball!"

"But Macgruber! Only 12 seconds! How will you disable the imploding bomb switch with a rubber ball??"

"Throw me your gum! If my calculations are correct, I should be able to stick the gum to this ball and throw it at the switch! The sorbitol in the already chewed-"


Macgruber! He's juggling mini dodge balls when he should be diffusing! Macgruber!! He's got a penchant for trouble and a really bad hair do! Macgruuberrr!

thetraditionalplastic said...

haha nice man

Pamela said...

Like it... can't quite wrap my mind around it but I like it.